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Corrections Policy

We ( vismaya 24×7) would like to inform you, through this Corrections Policy, about the corrective measures We adopt in case We find that some incorrect information has been published on Our Website and Page, We are conscious of our accountability to Our readers and fully understand that it is Our responsibility to make the correction and also inform you about the same subsequently at the earliest.

Care to be taken for reporting sensational matters and crime. Presumption of innocence must be preserved /Comments and speculation on evidence, witness and witness conduct, accused and victim and their respective conduct to be avoided. Such reporting should be based on facts and unbiased. If news report or article is found to contain false or inaccurate information, then on approach by the concerned person or party, providing correct information, identifying himself or herself, providing required documents or material, the portion of the news report or article should be edited or deleted.

In case infringement of intellectual property – upon receiving any request and after getting the necessary documents, the concerned content should be edited, deleted or take down if necessary. We respect  all Intellectual Property Rights..

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